Originally. Starting in the ancient 1980s before vitamin was super he spent many many many years, turning into decades, being an assistant to a master of the force, Develop first looking at the human cellular development in optical microscopy, then into electron microscopy as these decades, went by new technology was introduced, supervitaman became an observer in the quantum plane Utilizing string physics and assisting utilizing advanced, spectrometry, thousands of individuals voice prints revealing their true conditions within the over 100,000 frequency parameters in the PDR and Merck manual supervitaman is on earth to help people utilizing the best food based products for optimal health in a toxic world With a lot of people that have no understanding of how things work supervitaman had serious problems being on earth and had to go under the knife many years ago and was told he didn’t have too much time and needed to take a lot of poison stuff but because of the understanding, God of all the amazing God given food based Orthomolecular nutraceutical products super vitamam is able to enlighten the planet and offers to help Everyone who wants to put out the energy to help themselves with the finest protocols utilizing food, energy systems along with pure atmospheric water, both telchnology and utilization along with state of the art, frequency, vibration, exercise technology, micro, cluster technology, specialized, orthomolecular, compounding to GMP standards, and also offering marine, aqua ponic food, production, technology,